Constructive Play With Games and Apps
The success of online games and apps is more evidence that constructive play can be beneficial for people of all ages. Whether combining squares to generate super candy powers or using animated birds to collapse structures, players find the games relaxing and/or rewarding. This atmosphere allows them to compete for points, achieve levels, and win opportunities to test their skills in new scenarios.
Building Skills and Long-Term Achievement
When education meets creativity, it opens up a whole new world of academic achievement. When we provide opportunities for dedicated play, we facilitate exploration of individual preferences, strengths, skills and interests. With skill-building activities like L3 Skills, the individual is challenged to tinker, experiment, make attempts and strategize to develop skills awareness. Players can try new games or skills as many times as they want or need without major consequences, especially if the games are enjoyable and engaging! In fact, the best consequence of all is learning perseverance and dedication to task, which supports long-term achievement.
As games are more widely available and have become intuitive to people of all ages and backgrounds, we must ask ourselves:
- Are these games as fun and easily navigated by players who have different needs and challenges?
- What about players who may need onscreen directions, clearly voiced instructions and more obvious feedback?
- Which games allow users with specialized needs and challenges to compete for points, learn new skills or win opportunities to try more scenarios?
Individuals learn and play differently, but the purpose is the same. Skills activities engage the mind in a relaxing pressure-free environment, allowing for new discoveries and self-awareness that builds confidence in one’s own abilities while helping to better connect with others as well as the world around us.