How can educators support the needs of the whole child?
Discover how to unlock students’ potential and open their world beyond the classroom in this infographic.

Supporting the whole child.
Opening up their whole world.
We believe within every student you will find limitless potential. Helping them succeed is what drives everything we do at n2y. With our proven solutions, teachers can feel confident that every student’s IEP is compliant, the curriculum aligns with state standards, and they are prepared for any behavioral needs in the classroom. But we strive for something greater than achieving compliance. Our hope is to open up a child’s world well beyond the classroom.
IEP Compliance
Public School Students Are Served under IDEA1
That’s the equivalent of 15% of all students nationwide who have a world of potential. n2y can help special education teachers reach each one by providing the right solutions to write data-driven SMART goals and establish defendable Present Levels of Performance. IEP data can also be tracked to monitor progress and demonstrate compliance.
Positive Behavioral Supports
5.86 hours
The Average Amount of Time Educators Spend Each Week Addressing Interfering Behaviors3
When kids’ individual needs are met in the classroom or outside of school, it’s positively reflected in their behavior. With n2y’s support, the entire IEP team can deliver proactive, evidence-based strategies to make self-regulation and positive functioning a part of a student’s daily routine.
Standards-Aligned Curriculum
Students Served under IDEA Graduate High School2
n2y can help you be part of this good news as we continually strive to move this trend upward. This effort includes providing special education teachers differentiated lessons, activities, and assessments that lead to measurable results—all while meeting FAPE requirements and state standards.
What we’ve learned from educators who use n2y solutions in the classroom.
“We are achieving success and maintaining compliance using n2y since IEP goals are embedded within a modified curriculum for each student. n2y makes what seems impossible, possible.”
Jessica Coleman, Executive Director of Special Education Compliance, Cobb County Georgia School District
“With n2y I can provide a curriculum to target my students’ individual needs. And, engaging students in learning at their level creates positive behavior change. This is why I value n2y.”
Bradley Marshall, Special Education Teacher, Newton Texas School District
“n2y lets me focus on teaching a curriculum that is easily differentiated, age appropriate, and easy to use. It offers student engagement, enrichment, and repetition so they can reach their goals.”
Sarah Gamsey, Special Education Teacher, Wake County North Carolina Public Schools
Their full potential, fulfilled.
Of Students Showed Skill Improvements in Math with Unique Learning System
Over 600K
Students Are Supported by n2y Each Day
Of Students Showed Skill Improvement in ELA with Unique Learning System
To learn how n2y can help every child reach their full potential, while your district achieves compliance, visit our website to schedule a meeting or to learn more.
Copyright 2023 n2y, LCC. All rights reserved.
1, 2 National Center for Educational Statistics (NCES), Students Aged 3–21 With Disabilities from 2021–22, Updated on May 2023
3 Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, Data and Statistics About ADHD, Data collected from 2016–2019